The Art of Disappearing: A Guide to Embracing Solitude

4 min readJun 2, 2024


Here's why I love the art of disappearing. In a world saturated with connectivity, the idea of disappearing can seem both alluring and daunting to be honest. Disappearing, in this context, doesn't mean a literal vanishing act but a conscious retreat from the perpetual noise and demands of modern life. It's about reclaiming your space, finding peace, and rediscovering yourself. I have been practicing this art since January this year and to be honest, it's been such a fulfilling experience for me.

I believe in an old adage that goes, “sharing is caring”

So, that being said, here's how you can master the art of disappearing if that's what you've been looking for. Shall we!!

1. Disconnect Digitally
I want to assure you that our lives are intertwined with digital devices. From smartphones to laptops, we’re always just a ping away from the latest news or social update. The first step in disappearing is to unplug. You must unplug from these digital devices for a while. Start by setting boundaries for your device usage. Turn off notifications, set specific times for checking emails, and consider a social media detox. Inform your close circle that you’ll be less available, so they don’t worry and keep bothering you with texts. What I’m sure of is that your mom will call you regardless.

2. Seek Solitude in Nature
This sounds cliche but, nature has a way of grounding us. I will advise you to find a place where the world feels distant – a quiet park, a secluded beach, or a hiking trail deep in the woods in your village. These places offer a sanctuary from the bustle of everyday life. Immerse yourself in the surroundings. Listen to the rustle of leaves, the chirping of birds, and the gentle flow of water. Nature’s symphony can be the perfect backdrop for introspection and relaxation. If I tell you my experience in my village that’s covered with green trees and high slopes of Mt.Elgon, we shall stay here till tomorrow.

3. Embrace Silence
We often underestimate the power of silence. Today, our environments are filled with constant chatter, finding silence can be a revelation. You can create a space in your home where you can retreat. It could be a corner with a comfortable chair, a room with dim lighting, or a spot by a window with a view. Use this space for meditation, reading, or simply sitting quietly. Silence allows your mind to wander and process thoughts without external interruptions

4. Simplify Your Routine
Our daily routines can become overwhelming sometimes, filled with tasks that drain our energy. Disappearing requires a simplification of these routines. You first identify what’s essential and what can be let go. Prioritise activities that bring you joy and fulfilment. Delegate or eliminate tasks that are not crucial. By doing so, you create more time for yourself, which is vital for a meaningful retreat.

5. Reflect and Journal
Disappearing is not just about escaping but also about reflecting. Take time to journal your thoughts and feelings. Writing can be a therapeutic way to process your emotions and gain clarity. Reflect on your goals, dreams, and the direction of your life. This practice can lead to profound insights and a renewed sense of purpose. I know some people love to write with a pen and book while others love to write on their iPad or smartphones. I suggest you choose what’s comfortable for you.

6. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is about being present in the moment. It’s a way to disconnect from the future’s anxieties and the past’s regrets. Practice mindfulness through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or even mindful walking. Focus on your senses – what you see, hear, smell, and feel. This practice will help you in anchoring yourself in the present, providing a sense of calm and balance. I loved this because I walked in my village a lot.

7. Engage in Creative Pursuits
Creativity can be a powerful escape. Don’t just engage, you engage in activities that will stimulate your imagination and bring you joy. It could be painting, writing, jogging, gardening, or playing a musical instrument. These activities not only provide a break from routine but also allow you to express yourself in unique ways. Creativity can be a sanctuary, offering a sense of accomplishment and peace.

Let me tell you something, mastering the art of disappearing is about finding balance. It's a conscious choice to step back, recharge, and reconnect with yourself. In doing so, you can return to your life with a clearer mind, a calmer spirit, and a renewed energy. So, take a deep breath, step away, and embrace the art of disappearing. You don't need to just disappear, instead disappear to find your purpose and peace.

