Dream Deferred

2 min readMar 20, 2024


Photo by Prince Akachi on Unsplash

Chapter 5

As CheChe walked the halls of Matimba University, her dreams burned bright like the sun at dawn. But amidst the whispers of ambition and the allure of success, a shadow crept into her heart, whispering seductive promises of wealth and luxury.

Caught in the web of temptation, CheChe's gaze wandered from the path she had forged, drawn instead towards the glittering mirage of instant gratification. The promise of riches beckoned like a siren's call, drowning out the steady beat of her dreams with the tantalizing allure of a life of opulence.

In a moment of weakness, CheChe succumbed to the lure of easy wealth, forsaking her studies and abandoning the hallowed halls of academia in pursuit of a life defined by material wealth and fleeting pleasures. With each step she took away from her dreams, the light within her dimmed, replaced by the hollow glow of shallow desires.

But even as she walked away from the path she had once chosen, the echoes of her dreams lingered like a distant melody, haunting her steps with the reminder of the potential she had forsaken. For CheChe, the road to riches was paved with broken promises and shattered dreams, a stark reminder of the cost of chasing shadows in the darkness.

